Studyclix for teachers
Here's a quick rundown of the most important things to know when you're just getting started with a teacher account (click here if you're a student).

Pick a subject, pick a topic
Navigate into whatever topic you are teaching to show all the past DBE NSC questions on that topic.

View questions and memos
Having all questions in one place with the memo underneath means that you can quickly highlight what your students need to get full marks.

Use our Exam Builder to make tests
Create custom exams using our database of past DBE questions or create your own. Print them out or share the pdf with your students.

Build quizzes you don't have to grade
Our Quiz Builder allows you to make self-correcting quizzes in your chosen topics. Build a quiz by selecting from our bank of questions, and let your students take the quiz for free. View quiz results for each student.

Find teaching resources
Check the Videos & Notes section on each topic to find community suggested videos and notes to help support your teacher and your students' learning.
Watch how it works
This five-minute video walks you through everything you need to know about our main features.

How to use it with your class?
Check out our tips for using Studyclix with your students and in your classroom: